gm in Uncategorized 0 Share Sort Portfolio:All 3X-GMPR Queen Nala of Black Forest SHGrand Masters GMPR SIR HERSHEY OF SURREY (1985 – 1999)Grand Masters GMPR GRITS OF BLACK FOREST SHGrand Masters GMPR GUMBO OF BLACK FOREST MHGrand Masters GMPR HIGH SIERRA MAE SHGrand Masters GMPR CAJUN OF BLACK FOREST MHGrand Masters / Males GMPR BLACK FOREST CROWN JEWEL MHGrand Masters GMPR BJ OF BLACK FOREST SHGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4X-GMPR, HRCH Black Forest’s “BEAR” Grits MH, APLA HOFGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4X-GMPR HRCH BEARPOINT’S ROLL’N HIGH “RENO” SHGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4XGMPR HR HPK’S HAWK OF BEARPOINT MHGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4X-GMPR HR TIGER MTN’S MIDNIGHT REIGN SHGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4X-GMPR SHR APR ELCANAN’S ROXY OF BEARPOINT JHGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4XGMPR BEARPOINT’S MIGHTY MAX SHGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4XGMPR SHR BEARPOINT’S TRIPLE THREAT EXCALIBUR MHGrand Masters / Males 4XGMPR HR BEARPOINT’S COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF MH *** APLA HOF ***Grand Masters / Males 4X-GMPR Seafield Finnigan of Bearpoint MHGrand Masters / Other Males 4XGMPR Seafield’s Link to Bearpoint SHGrand Masters / Males / Retired Dogs 4X-GMPR BEARPOINT’S GUINNESS SCOUT SH HR HRCHGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4XGMPR BEARPOINT’S WILLOW RAEGrand Masters / Retired Dogs 4X-GMPR BEARPOINT’S BUCKIN BRANDI SH HRFemales / Grand Masters 4XGMPR HR BEARPOINT REIGN OF THE SAVAGEGrand Masters / Males 4X-GMPR HR BEARPOINT’S WHERE’VE YOU BEEN MATTEA HRFemales / Grand Masters 3XGMPR BEARPOINT’S CARBON COPY JH “CC”Grand Masters / Retired Dogs 4XGMPR HIGH CALIBER’S BIG GUN BEAU MH QAAGrand Masters / Males