Bearpoint Kennel Puppy Training Program

Puppy Introduction to birds
- Introduction to live birds
- Discipline
- Ideas to help Mom and Dad train me!
Starts once the puppy is 12 to 18 weeks of age or can be older.
Cost of this class is just what birds cost.
- Puppies are at least 12 weeks of age.
- never too late to put them on live birds.
- we prefer the 12 to 18 weeks of age to start.
- This training is strictly to help our clients introduce their pup(s) to live birds. We also invite other outside puppies or dogs, for a session fee.
- You would bring your puppy to our place and we put the puppy on at least 2 (two) live chukars. We do the handling for you and you watch and learn with your pup. Only cost is the price of the birds we use.
- We will hold these classes on weekends only, so that Dale and Brenda are both there to help. We try and have as many classes as we possibly can. We will notify anyone who has signed up for our newsletter and checked the “PUPPY CLASS” box. You will automatically get an email informing you of when and what time a class will be. You then RSVP to us by email if you will attend. We need this as to know how many birds to catch.
- Birds are hard to find sometimes also, so the number of classes we can hold depends if we have plenty of birds on hand.
- The month of Sept. and Oct. there will most likely be NO puppy classes. We are usually at APLA Hunt tests, or judging a Hunt Test. Or we could be headed to SD, ND or MT to go bird hunting.
Yep!! our dogs get to do a lot of hunting also.
We encourage all to come attend and watch these awesome puppies it definitely is a hoot to watch them get excited about birds.
PUPPY STARTER PROGRAM (2 Months to 5 Months) Bird introduction, Gun Fire introduction, start some Basic obedience. Puppy will stay at Bearpoint Kennel and if at 6 months training continues dog will be move to the upper level training program.